
Virtual Worlds Review

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 1 month ago



Compare virtual worlds at the VirtualEnvironments website:

Virtual Worlds



For additional Virtual Worlds Resources (especially Second Life), click here.


 SecondLife - probably the most widely recognized virtual environment, it is very rich in terms of being able to build and create pretty much whatever you want. Drawbacks: learning curve may be too steep for some, needs to have SL software installed on the machine you're on, and takes high-end connection/speed/graphics/video capability. Some areas have adult content, so this may not be appropriate for some teaching applications or environments.



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There - I found the atmosphere in There to be somehow friendlier than SecondLife, perhaps because it seems to be taking a lighter approach, perhaps because of the universal PG-13 rating, or perhaps due to the more cartoon-ish aspect (the latter, by the way, can be a bonus in that There requires far less computing muscle than SecondLife). Or maybe I just like any VW that allows you to have a V-K9 that goes everywhere with you. On the downside, you won't be able to get along as easily in There without the local currency; unlike SL, there are no freebie warehouses or junkyards, and you can't build your own stuff. This last part, which takes some of the creativity out of the equation, may be a deal-breaker for many instructors. And, like SecondLife, you need to load the software onto your computer before you can go There.


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 Hoping for something on There that's a little more . . . educational? Check out this story on the University of There (UOT) graduating class of 2006.


OpenCroquet - OK, I've never used OpenCroquet, but I was able to find this YouTube video on the Greenbush Edusim Project (Edusim also has a SlideShare presentation, which may even prove a little more useful than this video):



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Qwaq Forums - I haven't used this one, either, because it's more for internal (closed) workplace use, but I did find a video of a Qwaq demo that someone in the audience took at an Intel Developer Forum (can you say "User-generated content" . . . ?):


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