Hi there – I resized your photo. Here are the steps:
If you want to keep your original photo the original size, I suggest making a copy first.
Open Paint, which is a free image program found on many computers. (Go to Start, Programs, and look for it.)
With the Paint window open, simply click and drag your photo icon into the window. You could also do File > Open, locate your photo copy, and open it that way.
From the Image menu at the top, chose “Resize/Skew.”
Change both the horizontal and vertical percentages by the same number and then click ok.
Save with Ctrl + S or by going to the File menu and choosing Save. If you haven't saved the original photo elsewhere, this is the time to do a Save As instead.
Close Paint ... the picture is resized!
This is what your photo looks like at 25% of the original size:

Looks like my yard now, too!
There are ways to reduce the size of a photo or other graphic once you have it on a page by altering some HTML code, but the larger your original picture, the longer it typically takes to load, and it will take up more resources on the server. Those are the best reasons to just resize it first before downloading on a webpage. Hope this helps!
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