
Polling Tools

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 1 month ago


Here are but a few web polling tools; as with all of the Web 2.0 Universe, there are many, many more. Click on the tool below to find out more about it. Got a favorite that's not listed here? Leave a comment below!

Polling Tool My favorite thing about this tool . .  .
99Polls  Compatible with PBwiki -- you can have your poll "live" within your wiki.
Ask500People You get to watch the world map as people from all over respond to your question.
PollsBoutique  Twitter user? You can follow PollsB.
Twiigs You don't have to provide as much personal info to register with Twiigs, which I always view as a plus.
Quibblo  The results display differs from other sites; useful for assessing the comprehension level of the class as a whole.
WebsitePolls If you're OK with basic, then no registration is necessary! That's one less password to worry about . . . also, plays well with Blogger.
PollDaddy  Works well with popular sites like MySpace or Blogger, but I like that there are lots of designs to choose from to make your polls pretty ....
Vizu Direct export to Blogger (and other sites)! No need to copy & paste code to embed it into your desired blog/webpage.
PollEverywhere Respondents can text in their answers from their cellphones!


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