definition: ancient Greek for household or family
A website is no longer enough. This is more than a website.
Create your own private social network platform using Oikos.
- Connect...
- Share...
- Communicate...
- Build community...in a secure environment.
Overview of Oikos
Check out the basics and get a feel for Oikos...
Features summary:
Examples of how Oikos can be used:
Send an email to everyone using the announcement widget.
Manage projects using Oikos features to keep members connected.
Collect feedback from a group of people
Things to like:
Easy to add members (others can also request membership, which can be approved or denied).
Easy to control access (adjust member permissions).
You can add the following formats for video: FLV, MPG, MPEG, ASF, AVI, WMV, MOV
You can add the following formats for audio: MP3
No contracts, no setup fees, all plans can be cancelled, upgraded, or downgraded at any time.
Things to hate:
No telephone support (email only)
Only the “smallest” plan is free (plans start at $9 per month for a class size of 25, and can exceed $99 per month for 500+ users)
P.S. I just found a similar tool (also free) called Ning at http://about.ning.com/product.php, but the platform does not seem as private or secure.
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