
my class wiki for Public Economics

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 8 months ago

 Hi!  I have been having a lot of fun creating a wiki for my class.  You can take a look at what I've done so far




My plan is to use this as a class project starting this summer.  I am teaching this class, Public Economics, in a 5-week summer session that meets on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 6:00 to 10:00 p.m.  I have decided to convert this class into a hybrid class because four-hour lectures are a bit much.


If all goes well this summer, I will continue using this project every semester, and students can add to the wiki until we reach the point where all information has been included!  I know, that can never happen.


I have been randomly adding bits to each page to get things started and I will probably make more changes before this class starts, July 7th.  I don't want to have a lot of content to start with since it will be the students' job to create it, but I thought a little would be good to just give them some ideas.


I would greatly appreciate any suggestions, especially about the grading rubric which is posted right now.  Thanks!


Susan Dadres

University of North Texas


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