
iTunes U - Erica Ellsworth Hanaczewski

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years ago
Name of Web 2.0 Application: iTunes University
To access iTunes U, you have to download iTunes (free!) and then from your iTunes page, you can jump to iTunes U. 
The biggest thing that I like about iTunes U is the selection. There are a number or universities offering their podcasts, and there is a variety of subject areas as well. One drawback is the organization. Once you explore, though, you can easily find the classes you are looking for.
One of my favorite podcasts on iTunes U is Grammar Girl. Her podcasts and daily grammar tips are also at http://grammar.quickanddirtytips.com/default.aspx
I link iTunes U in my class webliography because it gives students a resource that is portable and free. These are the two items that my students most ask for in resources.


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