Name of Web 2.0 application: Hordit
On this site you can, "save all your valuable items in one place. You don't need a separate bookmarking site, photo, sit and RSS feed
reader. And we don't know of any service that allows you to also save documents, PDFs, notes, and more.”
1. Unlimited storage space.
2. Can mark each individual item to share with everyone, friends, or groups OR keep it private.
3.Files are always on the internet so they can be accessed from any computer. This is good for students who lose files due to computer
errors or need to switch from computer to computer.
Groups can be made by any member of Hordit. I would like to set up a group that students could join. My course is one of the first courses that students take so it would be nice to
have a place that they could continue to interact with other students and me. They could also stay in touch with students who are in the same major. There is a group message
board that everyone in the group can post too. Students could also make their own groups for specific majors, interests, etc.
Research Assistant
“Say you want to read up on a specific topic but don't want to search through all your RSS feeds. Just tell your Research Assistant what topic you're interested in. You'll get the articles you want, without having to do all the digging yourself.”
I didn’t try this out yet, but it seems very useful for me as well as students.
Look Later
“You don't always have time to stop and read an article. This is a convenient way to store links to items you want to explore at a later time.”
Daily Read
“Think of it as your daily hub. This is where you can keep a list of sites you want to visit daily. If you like keeping track of blogs and other sites via RSS, you can do so here. What's more, you can read your RSS feeds and conveniently store the posts you find valuable right from the Daily Read. You decide which of your Daily Read items, if any, are visible to other members.”
I stored some Blog sites that I like to read daily. This way they are all accessible quite easily.
“Following someone is a convenient way to track people who store items you find interesting. You can visit the profiles of members you're following to see what they're storing. You can also search the public items stored by the members you're following.”
This aspect freaks me out a little. LOL I’m not sure I would want people following me like that.
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