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Page history last edited by Caroline Richards 15 years, 8 months ago

Sloan-C Online Workshop

Web 2.0 Applications - Links, Descriptions, Ideas for Use in Higher Education


Participants in the workshop should add a link below to a new page in the wiki.


Polling tools

  • Interested in Polling Tools? My favorite by far is PollEverywhere, which allows participants to vote via cell phone (sure beats paying for a Student Response System!), but I've tried out quite a few. -Mary McGlasson
  • Zoomerang is worth checking out.--Kathryn Broyles


These pages describe various uses for wikis in higher education.




These pages describe various lists, aggregators, and other similar applications.




These pages describe online audio/video applications



Office-like Applications

These pages describe online versions of word processors, spreadsheets, presentation tools, and other similar applications.


Virtual Worlds

These pages describe various virtual worlds, like Second Life:

  • Virtual Worlds Review -- I've compared Second Life, There, OpenCroquet, and Qwaq. My actual favorite was Google Lively, but Google gave it the axe on 12/31/08. -Mary McGlasson  



These pages describe Web 2.0 tools that do not fit elsewhere above.

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