
Flickr - Willie Jackson

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 11 months ago

I always want to do something different but I have been intending to work with Flicr anyway so here we go. Okey in the meantime I decided to work with slide share some in addition.  I posted a short slide show from our cruise on the Colombia River in the fall of 2006.




When I made the show I added sound from power point but it doesn't seem to work.

One can add sound and narration from an MP file and the video link we have is very good in explaining the process.


At this point I am mostly interesting a posting slides and shows for my Pacific Northwest History class.

I want to be able to post them and draw upon them for a variety of purposes: F2f class as well as online as well as friends and neighbors.

I will post the same show Flickr if I can remember my password and sign in.

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