Web 2.0 Application: Edublogs.org & 21classes.com
Two similar sites that I found (with the help of Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms by Will Richardson) that could be used for educational purposes are http://edublogs.org and www.21classes.com. They both offer free blog hosting and allow for other Web 2.0 tools to be integrated, including photos, videos, widgets, avatars, and podcasts. It seems you could very easily create a “virtual classroom” to use for basic student-teacher and student-student communication, presenting lesson materials, creating a class newsletter, and providing links to other sites (such as links to quizzes, as I saw on one teacher’s site), reading material, and so on. Both sites also offer control and management of content posted to your class blog sites. The possibilities for using these sites as an addition or enhancement to any classroom (online, on-ground, or both) seems infinite. I will definitely be looking into using one of these sites for my own classes.
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