Gotta love Diigo. I selected this tool Because I saw it in "Information R/evolution" by Michael Wesch on YouTube and I wanted to explore the application.
Diigo is a Bookmarking service that permits you to highlight and annotate your bookmarks with sticky notes. It appears to be geared toward research and building research community. Check out the Diigo video:
Diigo boasts that its Free educators account is designed specifically for that use, something I haven't seen on other bookmarking websites. Since everything I need to know I can learn on YouTube I challenged this assumption by searching "Diigo and Educator" and I found this explanation of how one teacher is using a Diigo group with students and as a tool for providing feedback.
Another feature of Diigo is called "WebSlides" - a webslideshow that has its own url and can be posted to many other Web 2.0 applications, like a blog. You can create a guided tour to a website with this service, which might be helpful for instructing students on how to use other Web 2.0 tool, and also content based web research for any discipline. Once again, a quick YouTube preview
Enjoy Diigo
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